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Conditionals (C1 level)

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do you make a strong request or criticism using a conditional sentence? Give an example.
condition: "If (sb) would..." result: "...would..."
Is this sentence correct? "If you would stop talking, we would all be happier!"
Correct. (form "If (sb) would..." for condition & "would" for the result, can be used to express a criticism or strong request).
What conditional form would you use to give advice? Give an example.
Second (If I were you, I would...)
How do you use an inversion with a first conditional?
(If he plays well... = SHOULD he play well...) - SHOULD + subject + infinitive
Give an example of using an inversion for a conditional sentence.
(If I had done my homework... = Had I done my homework...)
What type of conditional can be used for making polite requests? (Give an example)
Second conditional ("I would be grateful if you helped me move home")
What's the mistake? "It is not dangerous to drive a car, in case that he or she follows the rules"
in case that - provided that / as long as
What's the mistake? "I am extremey grateful were you to allow me to make some small changes to the schedule"
am - would be
What's the mistake? "Had there been more computers available, the users had more time for other activities"
had - would have had
What's the mistake? "If I had children, they would be free and independent as long as they prove to be trustworthy and responsible"
prove - proved
What's the mistake? "I am ready to accept your offer unless you take into account my remarks about the plan"
unless - if / provided (that) / on condition that / as / so long as
What's the mistake? "Holidays are good for us under the condition that we are relaxed"
under - ON the condition that
Were ____________
Were there to be any accidents, paramedics will treat minor injuries.
On condition ____________
On condition that you have a perscription, you can buy medication on this website.
Should _____________
Should you need a further appointment, please inform the receptionist.
Supposing _____________
Supposing Eva has to go to the hospital, what will her children do?
As long as ________________
As long as surgery is not required, patients are usually treated in one day.
Had ___________
Had Mr Kay known he was unwell, he would not have carried on working.
Provided _____________
Provided (that) you do plenty of exercise, you'll lose weight.
If Emma _____________
If Emma weren't a caring person, she wouldn't have become a doctor.
Unless ________________
Unless your temperature goes down, I'll call a nurse.
Mark wouldn't ___________________
Mark wouldn't be feeling ill if he hadn't eating too much.