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A Ghost Tale For Christmas TIme

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you are 'selfish', do you like to help people?
No, you don't.
If you 'accomplish' something, you
finish something
kill it
tidy it up
do your homework
If you are 'delighted', are you are _____________.
very happy and excited
a cute rabbit
A vision is ______________.
something that you see that is like a dream
a nightmare
a big window
a sunny day
If something is 'eerie', it is
quiet and a bit creepy
dark and cold
like a cartoon
If you are 'generous', you _______________.
like to share with other people
are foolish
have a birthday
like pink
If something 'fades' does it slowly appear, or slowly disappear?
It slowly disappears.
If you nervous, you're a bit _____________.
worried and scared
scared of spiders
a big sponge
angry and scared
If you are 'foolish', you are __________.
very silly
very smart
Are 'moldy' things good or bad to eat?
They are not good to eat.
If it is 'drizzling', is it raining hard, or raining a little?
It's raining a little.