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El desayuno y el almuerzo

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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La profe escribe una carta.
The teacher writes a letter.
Luciana comparte su pizza con la familia.
Luciana shares her pizza with the family.
Mi mamá bebe café con leche.
My mom drinks coffee with milk.
No como salchicha, tocino, ni jamón.
I don't eat sausage, bacon, or ham.
Me gusta comer las fresas, las manzanas, y las naranjas.
I like to eat strawberries, apples, and oranges.
Bebemos té helado y limonada en la tarde.
We drink iced tea and lemonade in the afternoon.
Comen una ensalada con pan tostado en el almuerzo.
They eat a salad and toast for lunch.
Como yogur y fruta en el desayuno
I eat yogurt and fruit for breakfast.
A ham and cheese sandwich
Un sándwich de jamón y queso
Eggs and bacon
Huevos y tocino
Orange juice
jugo de naranja
Comemos galletas en clase.
We eat cookies in class.
Bebes té helado en el verano.
You drink iced tea in summer.
Comparto papas fritas con Suhur.
I share fries with Suhur.
To understand
To write
To share
You drink
Tú bebes
I eat.
Yo como