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Appearence and personality

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ross is half _______ and half ________!
Ross is half TANNED and half PALE!
Compare the actress and her TV series character.
Students' own answers.
He trains a lot. He is very ________.
He trains a lot. He is very MUSCULAR.
She is painting her ________.
She is painting her NAILS.
She has _________ hair.
She has CURLY hair.
This person has a very strange _________.
This person has a very strange MOUSTACHE.
He doesn't have any hair. He's _________.
He doesn't have any hair. He's BALD.
As we age, ________ appear on our skin.
As we age, WRINKLES appear on our skin.
In this picture, Miley has ________ hair.
In this picture, Miley has SPIKY hair.
In this picture, Miley has long, _______, brown hair.
In this picture, Miley has long, WAVY, brown hair.
Anne has a lot of ________.
Anne has a lot of FRECKLES.
Dumbledore has a long gray ________.
Dumbledore has a long gray BEARD.