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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the purpose of this beak?
Picking up and eating insects.
What is the purpose of this beak?
Sucking nectar from flowers.
What is the purpose of this beak?
Straining plants from the water.
What is the purpose of this beak?
What is the purpose of this beak?
Tearing (cutting) meat.
What is the purpose of this beak?
Cracking seeds.
What is the purpose of this beak?
Catching flying insects.
What is the purpose of this beak?
Making holes in a piece of wood.
What object is this beak similar to?
It is similar to tweezers.
What object is this beak similar to?
It is similar to a straw.
What object is this beak similar to?
It is similar to a strainer.
What object is this beak similar to?
It is similar to a spear.
What object is this beak similar to?
It is similar to scissors.
What object is this beak similar to?
It is similar to a nutcracker.
What object is this beak similar to?
It is similar to an insect net.
What object is this beak similar to?
It is similar to a chisel.
Do birds breathe as efficiently as humans?
No, birds breathe more efficiently than humans.
Can birds see colors?
Yes, birds can see colors.
Are birds vertebrates? Do they have a backbone?
Yes, birds are vertebrates because they have a backbone.
Do birds have warm or cold blood?
Birds have warm blood.
How many legs do birds have?
Birds have two legs.
Which birds lay eggs?
All birds lay eggs.
Are there birds that cannot fly?
Yes, there are birds that cannot fly.
Which birds have feathers?
All birds have feathers.