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OST Vocabulary Practice

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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a source that is reporting on or analyzing information from another source
firsthand information, such as an eyewitness
Synonym of INFER
both answers
Synonym of CONTRAST
Synonym of COMPARE
similar, alike
difference, unlike
Synonym of ARGUE
talk about
Synonym of ANALYZE
all of the above
Synonym of ANALYZE
all of the above
What is the definition of 3rd PERSON POV? What key words go with 3rd PERSON POV?
The narrator is NOT a character in the story. The narrator will use words like he, she, they, them, him, her, their.
What is the definition of 2nd PERSON POV? What key words go with 2nd PERSON POV?
The narrator directly addresses the reader. The narrator will use works like you, your, yours.
What is the definition of 1ST PERSON POV? What key words go with 1ST PERSON POV?
The narrator is a character inn the story. They use words like I, me, my, us, ours, we
What is the definition of RESOLUTION?
How the problem is solved
What is the definition of CONFLICT?
The problem in the story that needs resolving
What is the definition of SETTING?
Where and when the story takes place
What is the definition of CHARACTERS?
The people or animals in a story
What is the definition of METAPHOR?
Comparing two unlike things by saying one is another
What is the definition of HYPERBOLE?
An exaggeration that cannot possibly be true
What is the definition of ONOMATOPOEIA?
Meaning of a word suggested by its name
What is the definition of ALLITERATION?
Repetition of the same initial consonant sound
What is the definition of PERSONIFICATION?
Giving personal or human traits or characteristics to a nonhuman.
What is the definition of SIMILE?
comparing two unlike things using "like" or "as"
What is THEME?
A message or lesson fro the story that can apply to your own life.
What are the three reason's why an author chooses to write something?
to persuade, to inform, to entertain
The authors reason for writing a text
What are examples of TRANSITION words?
next, all of a sudden, finally, etc.
What is the definition of TRANSITION?
The process of changing from one idea or paragraph to another
What is the definition of SUMMARY?
A shortened version of the key events or ideas of a piece of text
What is the definition of SUPPORT?
To provide evidence or information that proves an answer correct
What is the definition of SEQUENCE?
The way parts of a passage or text are organized; how events follow one another in a passage or text
What is the definition of REFLECT?
To make a statement of one's opinion; to take into account what one has read and be able to comment on what was learned
What is the definition of POINT OF VIEW?
A position or perspective from which something is evaluated or considered
What is the definition of ORGANIZE?
To arrange or put in order; to work out the details of a passage and put in a meaningful order
What is the definition of OPINION?
An idea that is believed to be true by the author
What is the definition of MAIN IDEA?
The most important idea in a reading passage supported with details
What is the definition of JUSTIFY?
To prove the reasoning for your answer
What is the definition of INTRODUCTION?
A short section in the beginning of a text that sets the stage for the reader and states what the passage will be about
What is the definition of INTERPRET?
To make plain or understandable; make inferences or draw conclusions about what the text means
What is the definition of INTEGRATE?
To make whole by combining the different parts into one; to join or make something part of a larger unit
What is the definition of INFER?
An opinion arrived through a process of reading based on background knowledge and evidence from the text
What is the definition of IMAGINE?
To form a picture in one's mind; predict what might happen under certain conditions; to think about a range of possible outcomes, obstacles, or opportunities
What is the definition of EXPLAIN?
To provide reasons for what happened in order to clarify, justify, or define those events, actions, causes or effects
What is the definition of EVALUATE?
To determine the value, amount, importance or effectiveness of something in order to understand if it matters or means something
What is the definition of DEVELOP?
To extend upon an idea in order to give it greater meaning; add more strength to an idea or position
What is the definition of DETERMINE?
To come to a judgement after reading a passage or question; to give any opinion about an issue
What is the definition of DESCRIBE?
To point out the important details of a reading passage
What is the definition of DEMONSTRATE?
To show evidence of how you understand the reading passage or question being ask
What is the definition of DECODE?
To have a clear idea of what a reading passage or word means by breaking down the parts.
What is the definition of CONSULT?
To seek advice about a reading passage for the purpose of finding a solution to a problem.
What is the definition of CONSTRUCT?
To form by putting together parts of information when reading a passage
What is the definition of CONCLUDE?
The last part of a reading passage; a final opinion formed after reading a passage.
What is the definition of CONTRAST?
To identify differences between two or more things in order to understand how. they are unique to each other
What is the definition of COMPARE?
To identify similarities between two or more things in order to understand how they are similar to each other
What is the definition of CLARIFY?
To make something more understandable to the reader
What is the definition of ARGUE?
To state something as a reason in support or against something under consideration
What is the definition of APPLY?
To put into action what you know; to have a relation or connection
What is the definition of ANALYZE?
To study something closely and carefully; look at something critically in order to understand