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A Ghost Tale For Christmas Time

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you 'insist' on doing something, do you stop doing it when someone asks you to stop?
No, you don't.
Is he walking on the 'ceiling' or on the 'floor'?
He's walking on the ceiling.
If something 'twitches', do it move a little or a lot?
It moves a little.
They are __________________.
baking cookies
If someone is 'tough-looking', do they look friendly?
No, they don't.
Is an 'intersection' a place where two things or roads meet, or a kind of vehicle?
It's a place where two roads or things meet.
If you 'dodge' something you ____________.
move out of the way quickly
are crazy
want to run away
If you 'cluch' something, you ______________.
hold it tightly
give it to someone
try to kill it
If your clothes are ragged, you are probably ___________.
If you 'recognize' someone, have you seen them before?
Yes, you have.
If you give someone a 'signal', you want to ____________.
tell them something
shout at them
eat them
give them a gift
If something 'clatters', is it noisy or quiet?
It's noisy.