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3 steps +irreg verbs

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Они не умеют кататься на велике
They can't ride a bike
Погода не приятная
The weather isn't nice
Брауны бегают по субботам
The Browns run on Saturday
Она не любит слушать музыку
She doesn't like to listen to music
Она не любит слушать музыку
She doesn't like to listen to music
Прошлые выходной не был очень счастливый
Last weekend was not very happy
Мы хотели жить в палатке
We wanted to live in the tent
Было ветрено и дождливо
It was rainy and windy
Она была медсестрой?
Was she a nurse?
Они не были пилотами
They weren't pilots
Место было велеколепное
The place was wonderful
Вы умеете раскладывать палатку?
Can you put up a tent?
Мы получаем удовольствие от выходных?
Do we enjoy weekend?
Они не умеют играть в теннис
They can't play tennis
Ей нравится молоко (кошка)?
Does it like milk?
Ты бегаешь?
Do you run?
у нее есть подруга
She has got a friend
2 forms
run ran
2 forms
see saw
2 forms
have had
2 forms
meet met
тратить проводить
2 forms
take took
2 forms
go went