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AVTC 5 - Unit 2 - Action vs. Non-action verb & S ...

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What has five fingers but isn’t a hand?
A glove
Some months have eight letters in their name, whereas others have five. How many have three?
They all do
If Mrs. Smith’s rooster lays an egg in Mr. Brown’s yard, who owns the egg?
No one; roosters don’t lay eggs
You have two coins that equal 30 cents, and one of them is not a quarter. Which coins do you have?
A quarter and a nickel (the nickel is the one that isn’t a quarter)
TRUE or FALSE? Leaving a computer on overnight for a year creates enough CO2 to fill a double-decker bus.
True. Fully shut down computers and laptops overnight. (The Carbon Trust, 2013)
TRUE or FALSE? Screen savers reduce a computer’s energy use.
False. Always remember to turn off your screen/monitor when away from your desk.
Where can you find solar in your everyday life?
On calculators
On computers
On game consoles
On water bottles
Which is an example of energy transformation? The moon gives us energy
The sun makes the vegetables grow. We eat vegetables to live
The moon gives us energy
Coal is mined from the ground
Natural gas stays under the ocean.
What are some ways people can cut back on the amount of energy they use? (Discuss at least 2 ways with details)
Answer may varied
Do you think it's a good idea for young children to use smartphones and computers? (Provide at least 2 reasons, talk for 1 minute)
Answer may varied
What kinds of "smart" devices do you use? How are you using them? (List 3 devices)
Answer may varied.
Read each sentence and look at the CAPITALIZED verb form. Is it correct? "Are you OK? You SEEM upset."
Read each sentence and look at the CAPITALIZED verb form. Is it correct? "I can't talk right now. We HAVE dinner."
Read each sentence and look at the CAPITALIZED verb form. Is it correct? "If the food is good, it ISN'T MATTERING if the restaurant is far away"
Read each sentence and look at the CAPITALIZED verb form. Is it correct? "How many pairs of shoes ARE you OWNING?"
Read each sentence and look at the CAPITALIZED verb form. Is it correct? "These days, more scientists ARE RESEARCHING cancer and diabetes."
Read each sentence and look at the CAPITALIZED verb form. Is it correct? "They ARE WORKING on a new app this month. It will help children learn math.""
Read each sentence and look at the CAPITALIZED verb form. Is it correct? "Many people ARE BELIEVING that artificial intelligence is dangerous."
Read each sentence and look at the CAPITALIZED verb form. Is it correct? "My professor THINKS that artificial intelligence will benefit the medical field."
When was the innovative technology that makes solar panels work invented?
Which energy source sends the most carbon into the air?
oil (petroleum)
natural gas
solar power
Which system consumes the most energy in most homes?
heating & cooling rooms
water heating