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Y2 Farm Animals

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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14, Tell us 8 animals in Chinese
8 animals
13, Tell us 5 animals in Chinese
5 animals
12, What is 牛?
11, What is 鱼 and 马?
fish and horse
10, Please read this sentence fluently: nóng cháng lǐ yǒu yā zǐ , méi yǒu māo 。
nóng cháng lǐ yǒu yā zǐ , méi yǒu māo 。
9, Write 鸟 in correct order on the board
8, Tell us 10 animals you know in Chinese
10 animals
7, What is Hanzi: 狗
6, What is Hanzi 鸟?
5, Please translate the sentence into Chinese: There are ducks in the farm.
农场里有鸭子。nóng cháng lǐ yǒu yā zi。
4,Please translate this sentence into English: nóng cháng lǐ méi yǒu gǒu 。
There's no dog in the farm.
3, Say this sentence TWICE loudly:
nóng cháng lǐ yǒu jī 。
2, Tell me 5 animals in Chinese
5 animals
1, What is dog and cat in Chinese?
狗 gou and 猫 mao