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E6 - Exam Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Finding healthy-conscious restaurants can bring many _________, since the consumption of high-calorie food can ________ the digestion process.
benefits / difficult
Throughout life, we _____small groups of people for love, admiration, respect, moral support, and help.
rely on
This year, house ________ are expected to rise.
I know you don't ______ me, but I promise I'm telling the truth.
The children shouted in the street. They are not from our school.
The children who/that shouted in the street are not from our school.
Ants are small insects. They live in big groups.
Ants are small insects that/which live in big groups.
We visited the church. The church is in the middle of the town.
We visited the church which is in the middle of the town.
My brother is a good driver. His car is from Ireland.
My brother, whose car is from Ireland, is a good driver.
We have lost the suitcase. We put all of the Christmas presents in there.
We have lost the suitcase where we put all of the Christmas presents.
I know a girl. She can speak six languages.
I know a girl who can speak six languages.
La Albufera is a protected area of land _____ you can see a lot of interesting wildlife.
A boy ______ sister is in my class was in the bank at that time.
This is the bank ______ was robbed yesterday.
which / that
Third conditional: I_______(not know) which direction to go if I hadn't met you
would not have known
First conditional: If this river_________(flood), we__________(need) to leave this camping site
floods/will need
First conditional: If we________(focus) on growing our brand, it__________(grow)
focus/will grow
Second conditional: We_______(have) better visibility in social media if our marketing team______(work) harder
would have/worked
Second conditional: I__________(run) faster if I_______(have) better genes.
would run/had
He wouldn't have passed out if he had eaten breakfast this morning.
third conditional
If you care about your health, you won't drink more soda.
first conditional