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ADV 2 - 2nd partial Exam Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Section of research paper which contains the research design,participants and instrument used in the study.
Most students expressed that due to the lack of sleep on school days, they tend to crash on the school’s couches.
Word choice: Crash [slang language]
The other entries were returned back to their owners.
Word choice: Returned back (redundancy)
He has been an asthmatic from childhood and was never able to play sports.
Word choice: asthmatic [biased language] (in academic writing, you cannot say that a person IS the illness)
Direct question: Should we change our plans?
Embedded question: I don't know if we should change our plans.
Direct question: Does Jen eat meat?
Embedded question: I'm not sure whether Jen eats meat or not.
Direct question: When is he going to get a job?
Embedded question: I'm not sure when he is going to get a job.
Direct question: Where were you born?
Embedded question: Could you tell me where you were born?
Direct question: How tall is he?
Embedded question: I wonder how tall he is.
Direct Speech: Joy: “Tim will meet Andrea tomorrow.”
Reported speech: Joy said that Tim would meet Andrea the following/next day.
Direct Speech: Grandma: “Your dad has made breakfast this morning.”
Reported speech: Grandma said dad had made breakfast that morning.
Direct Speech: Jessica: “Marco doesn’t invite me to his parties”.
Reported speech: Jessica said that Marco didn't invite her to his parties.
Direct Speech: Anna: “We live in Boston”.
Reported speech: Anna said she lived in Boston.
What is the sample selection?
Two examples of close-ended questions
multiple choice, multiple answers, scaled answers, etc.
What is quantitative research?
What is qualitative research?
Name 3 instruments for data collection
surveys, questionnaires, interviews, games, observations, etc