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Before They Were Famous

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What was Jamie Vardy's job before he was a footballer?
A factory worker
A doctor
A lawyer
What was Ngolo Kante's job before he was a footballer?
A street cleaner
A dancer
A shop assistant
What was Steve Buscemi's job before he was an actor?
A firefighter
A policeman
A soldier
What was Jake Gyllenhaal's job before he was an actor?
A lifeguard
A lawyer
A nurse
What was Hugh Jackman's job before he was an actor?
A P.E. teacher
A Doctor
A lawyer
What was Pierce Brosnan's job before he was an actor?
A fire eater
A soldier
A carpenter
What did Rihanna do before she was a singer?
An army cadet (soldier)
A waitress
A cleaner
What was Harrison Ford's job before he was an actor?
A carpenter
A builder
A plumber
What was Madonna's job before she was a singer?
A donut shop worker
A wrestler
A baker
What was Nicki Minaj's job before she was a rapper?
A Waitress
A dancer
A wrestler
What was Rachel Mcadams job before she was an actress?
Mcdonalds worker
What was Brad Pitt's job before he was an actor?
A chicken mascot
A carpenter
A waiter
What was Barack Obama's job before he was President?
An Ice Cream man
A carpenter
A model
What was Dua Lipa's job before she was a singer?
A model
A waitress
A Fast food worker
What was Danny Devito's old job?
A hairdresser
A basketball player
A waiter
What was Kanye West's old job before he was a rapper
Clothes shop assistant
Basketball player
What was Jason Statham's job before he was an actor?
A diver
A footballer
An office worker
What was Vinnie Jones' job before he was an actor?
A footballer
A builder
A waiter