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Cause & Effect

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Identify the cause and effect: Braeden checked out of school early since he had a dentist appointment.
Cause: He had a dentist appointment Effect: He got check out of school early
Identify the cause and effect: The dog wags. his tail when he's happy.
Cause: He's happy Effect: The dog wags his tail
Identify the cause and effect: I run everyday, now I am losing weight.
Cause: I run everyday Effect: I am losing weight
Identify the cause and effect: Dominik ate all his lunch because he was hungry.
Cause: Dominik was hungry Effect: He at all his lunch
Identify the cause and effect: Pinch is to pain
Cause: pinch Effect: Pain
Convict is to punishment as acquit is to ________?
Earthquake is to tsunami as heavy rain is to __________?
Heat is to cooked as cold is to ________?
ice cream
Heat is to dry as water is to __________?
Careless is to accident as careful is to ________________?
Cause or Effect? It was so cold, SO MARIAM TURNED THE HEAT ON.
Cause or Effect? HE DIDN'T STUDY FOR THE MATH TEST and got a D on it.
Cause or Effect? We had a thunderstorm last night, and MY LITTLE SISTER WAS SCARED.
Cause or Effect? My bike rusty when I LEFT IT OUT IN THE RAIN.
Cause or Effect? Winner is really nice to me, SO SHE IS MY BEST FRIEND.
What is the Effect? Danirra got grounded after she came home three hours late.
Danirra got grounded
What is the Effect? Because my dog ran away, now he has to stay on his leash when we walk.
now he hast to stay on his leash when we walk
Soraya fell off her skateboard and broke her arm.
broke her arm
What is the Effect? I went swimming today because it was so hot.
I went swimming today
What is the Effect? Aailyah came home soaking wet after a walk in the rain.
Aailyah came home soaking wet
What is the Cause? Wendsky lives way up in the hills, so he has a great view of the city.
Wendsky lives way up in the hills
What is the Cause? Because I helped my father, he took me to the movies.
BECAUSE I helped my father
What is the Cause? Practicing everyday helped John win the race.
practicing everyday
What is the Cause? Madison got a bellyache after eating all of her Halloween candy in one day.
eating all his Halloween candy in one day
What is the Cause? Veronica got an A on her Spanish text because she studied hard over the weekend.
BECAUSE she studied hard over the weekend