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Esperanza Rising: Book Review

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At the end, Esperanza is having a birthday. How do farm workers measure the passage of time?
In fruit and vegetable seasons
One day, Abuelita sees an injured bird take flight and fly. What is this a sign of?
Whatever was wrong was better.
Which of these is NOT a reason why Mama becomes depressed: Esperanza must go to work, Papa dies, she misses her mother, or her house burns down?
Esperanza must go to work
Which DOESN'T Abuelita's blanket of zig zag rows represent: life has its ups and downs, warmth and wellness for Isabel, Esperanza should not be afraid to start over, or Esperanza's memories of her grandmother?
Warmth and wellness for Isabel
Why did the sky look so strange one afternoon in California?
A dust storm was coming
Which is NOT used as a metaphor in the story: zig-zagging blanket, roses and thorns, a big river, or a valise carrying a doll?
A valise carrying a doll
Which character does Esperanza dislike when she first arrives in California?
Which of the following is NOT something Esperanza has to learn in her new home: how to sweep, how to change a diaper, how to make a yarn doll, or how to cook?
How to make a yarn doll
What fruit did Esperanza, Mama, and Hortensia hide under in the wagon on the way to the US?
What is a phoenix?
A mythical bird that comes back to life out of its ashes
What is in the package Miguel and Alfonso carry on the train?
Roses from Papa's garden
After the fire, why does Mama tell Tio Luis she will marry him?
She wants him to think that he has won so she can run away.
How did Esperanza, Mama, and Abuelita know that Tio Luis had arranged the fire?
He told Mama she would regret her decision not to marry him.
Why does Tio Luis want Mama to marry him?
He wants Mama's influence and respect in the community.
Why didn't Esperanza and Mama stay in the house after Papa's death?
The house burned down
When was Papa ambushed by bandits and murdered?
On the day before Esperanza's birthday
What is the setting of the novel? (time and place)
Aguascalientes, Mexico (El Rancho de las Rosas) in 1930
In the beginning of the novel, what do Papa and Esperanza listen to the heartbeat of?
The land