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U11 Grammar

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The police taking the report called the car phone and told the man ________ answered that he had read an ad in the newspaper and wanted to buy the car.
A woman, _________ was reporting to the police that her card has been stolen, mentioned that there was a car phone in it.
The thief didn’t like the amount of money ______ he got, so he tied up the employee.
Fill in the blanks My coffee, _____________ is always drunk black, is made at my house.*
Defining or non-defining clause? My coffee, _____________ is always drunk black, is made at my house
Fill in the blanks. Andrew’s father, _____________ car was stolen, has reported the theft to the police.
Fill in the blanks. Arson, __________ is a very serious crime, was the reason for the fire.
Fill in the blanks. The day ___________ the prisoner came out of jail was a great day for his family.
Where is the clause? The area where the crime was committed has been sealed off by police.
where the crime was committed
Find the clause. Is it a defining or non-defining? Justin Bieber, who is a famous American singer, was arrested for dangerous driving.
who is a famous American singer/non-defining
Does this sentence have defining or non-defining clause? They’re the people who want to break into our house.
Does this sentence have a defining or non-defining relative clause? The local bank, which has a blue sign, will be closed until Monday.
give us EXTRA information which isn’t necessary/important to understand the meaning of the main clause.
Non-defining relative clauses
give ESSENTIAL/IMPORTANT information about someone or something. A defining clause usually comes after the noun it describes.
Defining Relative Clause
Which relative pronoun refers to a place
Which relative pronoun refers to a period of time
Which relative pronoun used to show possession
Which relative pronoun refers to things
Which relative pronoun refers to people