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Point of View

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the point of view?
3rd person
What is the point of view?
1st person
What is the point of view?
3rd person
What is the point of view?
2nd person
What is the point of view?
3rd person
What is the point of view?
1st person
What is the point of view?
1st person
What is the point of view?
3rd person
What is the point of view?
2nd person
What is the point of view?
first person
What is the point of view?
third person
What is the point of view?
first person
What is the point of view?
third person
What is the point of view?
third person
What is the point of view?
third person
What is the point of view?
first person
What is the point of view?
second person
What is the point of view?
first person
What is the point of view?
third person
What is the point of view?
second person
Which piece of evidence would be a first-person point of view?
Mr. B threw the pen at me.
Mr. B threw the pen at Percy.
What does POV stand for?
Point Of View
What key words are used in third person POV?
his, hers, him, he, she, they, them, theirselves, himself, etc.
What key words are used in second person POV?
you, your, yourself
What key words are used in first person POV?
I, me, my, etc.
What is first person point of view?
The narrator is the main character. The narrator uses the pronouns, I, me, myself, etc. **Make sure to look at the pronouns outside of the quotations**
What is point of view?
It is how the narrator tells a story.