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Past Tenses
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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While the boy was playing a computer game in his bedroom his classmates ...................................... fun at a party.
were having
was having
had been having
While she was searching for her glasses somebody ................................ her mobile.
had stolen
were stealing
We ....................................... when he asked me to stay a bit longer.
were leaving
had been leaving
was leaving
They .................................... the restaurant by 6 o'clock
had left
were leaving
had been leaving
She .................................. the bell for 10 minutes before her grandma opened the door.
had been ringing
were ringing
was ringing
He realised that he .................................. his passport at the airport.
had left
was left
was leaving
How long ...................... for Ben before he finally showed up?
had you been waiting
had you waited
were you waiting
By the time Fiona returned home, Shrek .......................................... the house
had tidied up
tidied up
was tidied up
was tidying up
When James had finished his homework, he .........................:.. to the skatepark.
had gone
was going
had been going
have - Past Continuous
was/were having
not have - Past Perfect
hadn't had
sleep - Past Perfect Continuous
had been sleeping
not recognize - Past Simple
didn't realize
erupt -Past Perfect
had erupted
feel - Past Simple
fall - Past Perfect
had fallen
not wait - Past Continuous
wasn't/weren't waiting
speak - Past Perfect Continuous
had been speaking
cook - Past Continuous
was/were cooking
not realise - Past Perfect
hadn't realised
teach - Past Simple
leave - Past Perfect
had left
work - Past Perfect Continuous
had been working
not buy - Past Simple
didn't buy