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Frank and Dave

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How does Frank feel after Meera Kills the roaches?
What does Meera do to the roaches?
She sprays them to kill them
Who saves Frank?
Saves friend Meera
After Frank scares the roach, what does he realize is in the house?
More roaches
What does Frank do to the roach?
He barks at him until the roach runs away
How does Frank feel when he feels the roach on him?
Scared and he tries to run away
What gets on Franks leg?
A Roach
What does Frank compare himself too?
A big wolf
Why does Frank want the men in yellow to leave the trash?
Because Frank likes to eat it
Who is the man in the yellow?
The garbage guys
What does Frank think the mailman is doing?
Trying to get into someones home
What does defend mean?
To protect or watch over
What is Frank's job?
to defend his home
Where does Dave go?
To work
What is the setting of the story?
In Franks home, in the city
Who are the characters in the story?
Frank, the mailman, the man in the yellow, Meera