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Absolute adjectives - Name 5 - EXTENDED

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 5 SERENE places
Name 5 DEAFENING things
Tell us about the last time you were STARVING
Name 5 FILTHY places in every town
Name 5 things that must be IMMACULATE
Name 5 PONDEROUS things in your flat/house
Name 5 PERILOUS activities
Name 5 monsters that could make you feel PETRIFIED
Name 5 ASTONISHING things
Name 5 HILARIOUS TV series/Youtube channels
Name 5 ATROCIOUS events from history
Name 5 gadgets that are EXCELLENT
Name 3 things you might be SWAMPED with
Name 5 things that are CRUCIAL for you
Name 5 things that are FREEZING
Name 5 things that are SIZZLING
Name 5 ways to become DESTITUTE
Name 5 ways to become AFFLUENT
Name 3 school subjects that you found TEDIOUS
Name 3 school subjects that you found RIVETING
Name 3 most ARDUOUS household chores
Name 5 things that are usually a bargain
Name 5 things that are COSTLY
Name 5 foods that are HIDEOUS
Name 5 people who are STUNNING
Name 5 things people do that make you LIVID
Name 5 activities that make you feel GUTTED
Name 5 activities that make you ELATED
Name 5 MINUTE objects in your room
Name 5 ENORMOUS animals things