Edit Game
Agreeing and Disagreeing

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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( DISAGREE // she ): I like to travel alone.
She doesn't
( AGREE // he ): We like Black Panther
So does he
( DISAGREE // she ): My mom can speak French
She can't
( AGREE // I ): I'm going to study after class
So am I
( AGREE // they ): She loves chocolate
So do they
( AGREE // we ): I don't like scarlet eggplant
Neither do we
( DISAGREE // I ): My cousin hates pizza
I don't
( DISAGREE // my friend ): She can't do a handstand
My friend can
( AGREE // I ): I don't live near the beach
Neither do I
( AGREE // we ): I didn't go to a party last weekend
Neither did we
Make a sentence using prohibition or obligation
You have to wash your hands // You need to wash your hands // You must wash your hands
Make a sentence using prohibition or obligation
You have to stop // You need to stop // You must stop
Make a sentence using prohibition or obligation
You can't eat or drink // You're not allowed to eat or drink // You're not permitted to eat or drink
Make a sentence using prohibition or obligation
You can't smoke // You're not allowed to smoke // You're not permitted to smoke
Make a sentence using prohibition or obligation
You can't swim // You're not allowed to swim // You're not permitted to swim