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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My friend and I ... (find) ten euros in the park this morning!
When I was a child I .... (hate) broccoli but now I love it!
I ..... (meet) a famous person in the street last week.
I .... (decide) to go to bed early last night.
Oh! A snake! Run/You run fast!
Mr. Smith isn't happy today. You don't make/Don't make him angrier.
Don't make
That's my mobile phone! Touch/Don't touch it!
Don't touch
It's really hot! To open/Open the window, please.
Mom went to the p.... o.... to send a package to my grandmother.
post office
My friend is Muslim and he goes to the m... with his family.
Many Christians go to c... on Sundays to pray.
We went to the Prado m.... in Madrid to study art.
You .... (give) me my book back before school tomorrow. Don't forget! (have to)
have to give
My mom .... (work) tomorrow because it's Sunday. (have to)
doesn't have to work
We .... (bring) a snack to school tomorrow because my teacher is bringing a cake for her birthday. (have to)
don't have to bring
My best friend .... (wear) a uniform at her school, but I don't. (have to)
has to wear
Look at the t.... of my classes. My first class of the day is English.
Our teacher said we have to t.... an exam next week. I have to l.... the irregular verbs this weekend!
take, learn
You have to s... hard if you want to p... all your exams.
study, pass