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EF Upper Future Perfect VS Future Continuous

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A: What time does the meeting finish? Will you be free at 11.30? B: Yes, the meeting [finish] by then.
will have finished
A: Can we meet tomorrow? B: Yes, but not in the afternoon. I {work}
will be working
Tomorrow afternoon we're going to play tennis from 3 o'clock until 4.30. So at 4 o'clock, we [play] tennis.
will be playing
Phone me after 8 o'clock. We [have] dinner by then.
will have had
Don't phone between 7 and 8. We _____ (have) dinner then.
will be having
I'm cleaning the kitchen. By the time you arrive, it _______ spotless. a. will be b. will being c. will have been
a. will be
In less than 2 years, my grandparents _______ for 50 years. We are going to celebrate it. a. will have been married b. will be married c. will be getting married
a. will have been married
We are visiting a new city every week. By the end of the summer, we _______ all the most important cities in Europe. a. will visit b. will be visiting c. will have visited
c. will have visited
I'm sure when you call him, he _______ TV. He's always in front of the TV! a. 'll watch b. 'll be watching c. 'll have watched
b. 'll be watching
Please, come at 8. By that time, I ______ my homework and we can go out. a. 'll finish b. 'll be finishing c. 'll have finished
c. 'll have finished
When I travel to England next year I ________ English for over four years, so I think I'll be ready. a. will study b. will be studying c. will have studied
c. will have studied
We _______ on the first train next Monday. a.'ll be leaving b.'ll have left c.'ll leave
a.'ll be leaving
When you get off the train, we _______ for you on the platform. a.'ll wait b.'ll be waiting c.'ll have waited
b.'ll be waiting
By the time you arrive I _______ something spectacular and dinner will be on the table waiting for you. a.will cook b.will have cooked c.will be cooking
b.will have cooked
When we arrive in Los Angeles we'll need to rest, because we _______ about 800 miles. a.will be driving b.will have driven c.will drive
b.will have driven