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How to Safe Energy

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We should never use washing machine to safe energy. Is it true or false?
False. We can use washing machine, but not everyday
What should we do after we are done watching TV?
Turn off the TV
We can save energy by using the washing machine with warm water. True or False?
Energy-efficient light bulbs last longer than normal light bulbs. Is it true or false?
Mention 2 tips to save energy
Turn off the lights, turn off computers and TV, use energy-saving light bulbs, don't put a lot of water into kettles, don't use the washing machines everyday
Is it good to use the washing machine everyday?
No, it is not
We should put a lot of water into the kettle to save more energy. Is it True or False?
We should never turn off the light to save energy. Is it True or False?
Why should we choose energy efficient light bulbs?
Safe more energy and last longer
Mention two things that use a lot of energy!
TV and computers
What should we do when we leave the room?
Turn off the light
How many tips are there in the text?