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Detective Series 2 Episodes 9 and 10 vocabulary

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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mark my words
to pay close attention. or "Trust me."
has a nice ring to it
to sound pleasant or nice
a first
something that hasn't happened before
fall through the cracks
to be forgotten
take the blame
to take responsibility or punishment for wrongdoing.
cover your/my tracks
to hide one's activities or movements
play it safe
to remain cautious
get your/my walking papers
to get fired
get wind of
to suddenly find out some information
mix and mingle
to interact socially with many people
tear away
to force someone to leave a situation or person
hidden agenda
a secret reason for doing something
catch red-handed
to catch a person doing something wrong. Find guilty.
do whatever it takes
to be willing to do anything to reach a goal
first-name basis
feeling that you can call each other by first names
track down
to find something
think outside the box
to look at something differently; to be creative
inside job
an action completed by someone within a group
bark up the wrong tree
to follow the wrong clues
not ring true
to not sound believable
put in a good word
to provide positive feedback
make me look bad
to have a negative effect on my reputation
in a rush
in a hurry
be getting somewhere
to be progressing
in private
keep my eye's peeled
to watch closely for something specific
come of something
to result in a change
by leaps and bounds
by a great degree (a lot)
come to mind
to think of
make waves
to cause trouble when things are stable
go by the book
to closely follow the rules
rock the boat
to create change that might upset people
see eye to eye
to have similar thoughts or beliefs about something
get along
to have a friendly relationship with someone
have a bone to pick
to have an issue or concern to discuss with someone
mean to
to not have fulfilled a plan / to want to