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EF elementary review units 3-4

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I get up early _____ day. A every  B all  C once 
A every
_____ your homework before you go to bed. A Have  B Make  C Do 
C Do 
I’m very healthy. I’m hardly _____ ill. A ever  B never  C always 
A ever
I never _____ breakfast in the morning. A do  B take  C have 
have 
A What’s the time? B _____. A It’s past half four  B It’s half past four  C It’s four past half 
B It’s half past four
We have pizza for dinner _____. A once a week  B one week  C one a week 
A once a week
I take my dog for a walk _____ a day. A two  B twice  C every 
B twice
My sister’s son is my _____. A niece  B nephew  C cousin 
B nephew
My mother’s father is my _____. A grandfather  B cousin  C uncle 
A grandfather
My sister got married last year. Her _____ is a lawyer. A son  B boyfriend  C husband 
C husband 
My mother’s son is my _____. A brother  B niece  C uncle 
A brother
What do you usually do _____the weekend? A in  B to  C at 
C at 
Her daughters are _____ university. A in  B at  C to 
B at
My wife is a doctor. She often works _____ night. A in  B on  C at 
C at
_____ time do you get up in the morning? A What  B When  C How 
A What
Our daughter always wakes up _____ half past five. A on  B in  C at 
C at
I sometimes have lunch _____ my office. A in  B on  C at 
C at
All my family go home _____Christmas. A on  B in  C at 
C at
I never study _____the evening. A in  B on  C at 
A in
He _____ on Saturdays. A never works  B doesn’t never work  C works never 
A never works
My girlfriend is angry with me. _____. A I always late  B I’m late always  C I’m always late 
C I’m always late 
_____ to bed late. A We usually go  B We usually are  C We go usually 
A We usually go
A _____ laptop is this? B It’s Daniela’s. A Who  B Whose  C Who’s 
B Whose
What time _____? A get you home  B you get home  C do you get home 
C do you get home 
A Whose shoes are these? B _____. A They’re Henry  B They’re from Henry  C They’re Henry’s 
C They’re Henry’s
Is that _____? A your parents’ car  B your parent car  C the car of your parents 
A your parents’ car
A Who’s that boy? B _____. A Helen’s brother  B The brother of Helen  C Helens brother 
A Helen’s brother