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Pronouns and Their Antecedents

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Lunch and supper are both great times for spaghetti. Warm garlic bread is a great addition to the meal. It is probably the most common Italian dish.
it - spaghetti
Madison and Milwaukee were both hit with heavy snow and high winds. It suffered greatly as capitol business was nearly stopped because of the weather.
it - Madison
Wisconsin has similar rainfall amounts in May and September. Unfortunately it is the month with lots of spring sports that often get rained out.
it - May
THERE ARE 2 PRONOUNS AND ANTECEDENTS Barky is the family's new dog. We love him so much.
We - family him - Barky
THIS HAS 2 PRONOUNS AND ANTECEDENTS Dr. Dennis Smith is married to Justice Carol Smith. They are successful professionals He is a successful dermatologist.
They-Dr. Smith/Justice Smith He-Dr. Smith
The Eagles and Chiefs have brothers that will playing against each other at the Super Bowl. Mom must be nervous! They usually support each other, but this time all bets are off!
they - brothers
Markesan Middle School is a great place to learn. Boys and girls have many opportunities in both academics and extracurricular activities. They all require hard work!
they - academics and extra curricular activities
Green and yellow are lovely spring colors. Pink is also a favorite hue, but they are great for Wisconsin Easter eggs! Go Pack!
they - green and yellow
Ben and Susan both love pizza. She really prefers just a plain cheese pizza though.
she - Susan
Chicago and New York City are both huge cities. It is even more of a business and shipping mecca though because of being on the Atlantic.
it - New York City