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AEF 3A: 5A Past Tenses

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Some of the players ___ while the coach ___ to them. (not listen, talk)
weren't listening, was talking
The police ___ her on the highway because she ___ a seat belt. (stop, not wear)
stopped, wasn't wearing
I ___ her at first because she ___ so much. (not recognize, change)
didn't recognize, had changed
The crowd ___ when the referee ___ the final whistle. (cheer, blow)
cheered, blew
The Lakers ___ any of their games during their trip to the East Coast. (lose)
hadn't lost
Luckily, we ___ skiing when the snowstorm started. We were already back at the hotel. (stop)
had stopped
My son got injured while he ___ basketball last Saturday. (play)
was playing
When we arrived, the game ___. We got there just in time and saw the whole game! ( start)
I ___ the house when I got home. It looked great. (clean)
Mike had an accident while he ___ to work. (drive)
was driving
They didn't win the game although they ___ every evening. (train)
had trained