Edit Game
C1 - Unit 3 review, Gold Experience

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Someone broke into his house and stole his laptop. --- STOLEN --- He _____________ when someone broke into his house.
had his laptop stolen
No one was being allowed inside the building. ---NOT--- They _______________ inside the building.
were not letting anyone
Someone is coming to repaint my bedroom next week. --- HAVING --- Next week, I ______________.
am having my bedroom repainted
Mum - '____ your mother, I obviously want what's best for you.' (as / like)
____ my dad, my aunt said it was a bad idea. (like / as)
I think the same ___ you - that option 2 is the best one. (like / as)
I studied at Winchester university, just ___ he did. (as / like)
Tell me 3 adjectives ending in -ible.
Reversible, gullible, inflexible, responsible, visible.... etc.
Missing verb: If you want to cheer him up, why not ____ him a compliment? (one word, verb)
Missing verb: 'I don't know why she stays with him. He can't even ___ down a job.'
Tell me 3 adjectives ending in -ive.
active, attractive, passive, extensive, destructive, decisive.... etc.
Tell me 3 words that take the negative prefix in-.
Indelicate, inexcusable, inescapable, incapable, insufferable.... etc.
Tell me 3 adjectives that end in -ary.
cautionary, literary, customary, ordinary, necessary, contrary... etc.
Missing verb: 'Her teachers have _____ concerns about her performance in school recently.'
Homeless people can also be called r_____ sleepers. (one word, adj.)
Synonym for 'confront' or 'deal with' = t____ (verb, one word)
If news or gossip travels around very quickly, we can say it 's_____ like wildfire' (one word, verb).
A hard-working person who always wants and tries to do their best work can be described as c_____ (adj.).
If your company is doing very well, you might say 'business is b_____'.
Extreme tiredness = f_______ (one word, noun)
If you 'stem the flow' of something, you...
slow it down/stop it (e.g.: Removing the job advert from the website stemmed the flow of applications.)
What does it mean if you 'take something for granted'?
You don't appreciate it as much as you should, and maybe neglect it.
Capable of making decisions quickly and easily = d________ (adj.)
A synonym for 'too much' = e________ (one word, adj.)
Something that cannot be escaped is i______ (adj.).
A person who will believe anything is g_____ (adj.).
Missing verb: 'Everyone who's staying at the company is being asked to ____ sacrifices, like pay cuts or working reduced hours.'
Missing verb: When he complimented my presentation, it really _____ my day!'
Missing verb: 'I'm happy to help him, since he ____ me a good turn before.'
Missing verb: 'If you had asked me, I would have ____ you a hand!'
lent / given
Missing verb: 'I tried restarting the computer, but it didn't ____ a difference.'
Tell me a synonym for 'try' (one word, a verb).
endeavour (v.) [I'll accept 'attempt', 'strive' or 'aim')