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Phrasal Verbs for Food and Drink

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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To drink something slowly, swallowing only small amounts
Sip on
Sip under
Drink on
Drink up
To eat, drink, or use the last part of something
Finish off
Finish in
Finish over
Finish out
To eat something at great speed
Wolf down
Pig down
Dog down
Chicken down
to eat a little bit of food because you’ve lost appetite or you’re not interested in the food
Pick at
Pick on
Pick up
Pick off
To clean the dishes
Wash up
Wash out
Wash over
Wash in
To not have any more of something
Run out
Run off
Run in
Run up
Can't eat any more
Full up
Full out
Full in
Full over
To reheat a food to a desired temperature
Warm up
Warm over
Warm in
Warm out
To eat a lot of food
Pig out
Cow out
Chicken out
Sheep out
To not eat too much of something
Go easy on
Take on
Go up
Go over
To remove the skin of a food
Peel off
Make off
Get off
Peel over
To stop consuming something
Cut out
Cut down on
Cut in
Cut up
To finish what you are eating
Eat up
Eat in
Eat out
Eat down
When food is no longer edible
Gone off
Gone in
Gone over
Gone up
To reduce how much you consume of something
Cut down on
Cut out
Cut in
Cut up
To start eating
Dig in
Eat up
Get up
Dig out
To eat food at home
Eat in
Eat out
Eat up
Eat down
To eat at a restaurant
Eat out
Eat in
Eat up
Eat down