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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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___________ are they doing? They are playing in the park. a) Which b) When c) What d) How
c) What
_____________ are you today? I´m very well, thank you. a) When b) What c) Who d) How
d) How
__________ student is the tallest? Mario is the tallest. a) Where b) Who c) How d) Which
d) Which
_____________ is cleaning the kitchen? My father. a) What b) Which c) Who d) When
c) Who
____________ is the baby crying? Because she is hungry. a) How b) What c) Why d) Where
c) Why
____________ is the exam? It is next week. a) Who b) Why c) How long d) When
d) When
____________ is he? He is at the cinema. a) When b) Where c) What d) How
b) Where
____________ she got a house? a) Have b) Are c) Is d) Has
d) Has
“__________ you got a cat?” “No, I haven´t.” a) Has b) Have c) Are d) Is
b) Have
ave you got a chair?” “No, I _______________ got a chair.” a) have no b) has no c) haven´t d) hasn´t
a) haven´t
The girls _____________ a window in the room. a) has b) are c) have d) is
c) have
The house _____________ four rooms. a) have b) has c) is d) are
b) has
Hello boys, ________________ you English? a) am b) is c) isn´t d) are
d) are
“Peter, _________ you a girl?” “No, I am not.” a) are b) am c) is d) isn´t
a) are
Where _________ the girls? They are in the garden. a) is b) am c) in d) are
d) are
The cat ___________ on the table. a) is no b) isn´t c) aren´t
b) isn´t
The boy and the girl _____________ in the room. a) are b) is c) isn´t d) are no
a) are
THE KANGEROOS _______ IN AUSTRALIA. a) are b)is c) on d) am