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FCE essay writing - tips and error corrections

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How long do you have to write your essay?
~ 40 mins. FCE writing is 90 mins, and you have 2 texts to write, meaning about 45 minutes per text. Ideally, leave 5 minutes per text to check your work.
Which of the following should you not include in an essay?
phrasal verbs
the passive voice
linking words
Correct it: If the issue will not be addressed soon, the problems will continue to grow.
If the issue IS not be addressed soon, the problems will... (Conditionals are a great way to improve your writing score - memorise the structures!)
Correct it: If public transport would be cheaper, more people would use it.
If public transport WERE cheaper, more people would use it. (Conditionals are a great way to improve your writing score - memorise the structures!)
Should essay paragraphs have subtitles?
No! The FCE Report is the only kind of writing that needs subtitles for each paragraph.
Should an essay have a title?
Yes (but it can be a very simple one!)
Correct it: Since many governments do not actually recycle what they collect, is not as helpful as people think.
Since many governments do not actually recycle what they collect, IT is not as helpful as people think. (Check for missing subjects - especially 'IT'!)
Correct it: The impacts of that different types of technology are rarely considered.
The impacts of THOSE different types of technology are rarely considered. (be careful with THIS, THAT, THESE and THOSE. Always check your writing!)
Which is better for an essay? Why?: 'One must not overlook the important of education.' OR 'The importance of education must not be overlooked.'
The second - both are formal, but it sounds more advanced to use the passive structure, so try to include the passive in all your essays!
___ teachers ___ students has much control over the syllabus, which may be a mistake.
Neither / nor
Either / or
Neither / and
Not / or
Fill the gap: Many students are unable to find work, despite _____ their university degrees,
they obtained
to obtain
Fill the gap: Travelling abroad offers many advantages, ___ it can be expensive.
Correct it: 'Some of the courses they could offer are cooking, first aid, survival skills...'
'Some of the courses they could offer are cooking, first aid AND/OR survival skills.' (Please never use '...' in ANY writing!)
Which is better for an essay an why?: 'In my opinion, that is not a practical solution.' OR 'That does not seem to be a practical solution.'
The second option, because you should avoid personal pronouns (like 'I' and 'my') in your essay, and not offer your personal opinion.
Should your essay be formal or informal?
You should never start a sentence with 'and' or 'but'. What could you use instead?
'Also' (instead of 'and') or 'however' (instead of 'but').
Which word or phrase is different?
Which word or phrase is different?
Even so
In spite of that
Which word/phrase is different?
according to
How many words should an essay be for FCE?
140-190 words
How many paragraphs should your essay contain?
5 (intro, point 1, point 2, your own idea and conclusion)