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Shades of Meaning

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which sentence has the same meaning of "patient"? Every patient gave the doctor a good review.
The dentist had only one patient that morning.
The doctor thanked me for being patient while I waited.
Which sentence has the same meaning of "body"? The school's student body raised $2,000 for the charity.
A large body of people don't agree with the law.
The human body is 60 percent water.
Which sentence has the same meaning of "sense"? I sensed the test would be difficult.
Didn't you sense there would be a problem with the project?
This article is confusing and makes no sense at all.
Which sentence has the same meaning of "terms." There are several different terms for happiness in Chinese.
The term lykke describes an everyday feeling of well-being.
The prime minister only serves a four-year term.
Which sentence has the same meaning of "direction"? She turned her head and looked in our direction.
We saw them walking in the opposite direction.
Under the president's direction, the college won awards.
Which sentence is correct?
I live a very active lifestyle.
I live a very lively lifestyle.
Which sentence is correct?
Our new puppy is very lively.
Our new puppy is very active.
Which sentence is correct?
The coach criticized my shooting technique so I could fix it
The coach scolded my shooting technique so I could fix it
Which sentence is correct?
After spilling coffee all over, my mom scolded me.
After spilling coffee all over, my mom criticized me.
Which sentence is correct?
The decision on what to do after graduation is very serious.
The decision on what to do after graduation is very solemn.
Which sentence is correct?
Everyone at the funeral had a solemn expression.
Everyone at the funeral had a serious expression.
Which item can show an increase?
Which item can show growth?
the human body
Which "components" are important to a picnic?
sandwiches and a picnic basket
the weather and who to invite
Which are "factors" you might need to consider when planning a picnic?
the weather and who to invite
the sandwiches and a picnic basket
Which things can you "record"?
both numbers and a video
a video
a feeling
Which things that you can “capture?"
a butterfly
a scene with a camera
The manager ___________ the employee's presentation at the meeting.
The teacher _____________ the students for talking too much in class.
Ahmed used his phone to _________ the graduation ceremony.
We had a really _________ discussion yesterday. We shared many different opinions.
Many ____________ influenced our decision to close the business.
Your daughter has really __________ since the last time I saw her!