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ET 4 Lesson 3 A Surprise for Mom

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The nails in the tire were new.
There was a puncture in the left front tire.
NM -----> not mentioned in the story.
Mrs. Jones thought about her family on the way home.
NM -----> not mentioned in the story.
Mrs. Jones started to feel frightened.
There were a lot of cars on the toll road.
F -----> there weren’t many cars on the toll road.
Mrs. Jones listened to the news on the way home.
Mrs. Jones’ driver had the flu.
NM -----> not mentioned in the story.
Mrs. Jones loved to drive alone.
F -----> she didn’t, she found it strange.
Why was Mrs. Jones alone in the car?
She was alone because her driver was sick.
At what time did Mrs. Jones go back to the parking lot?
She went back to the parking lot at half past five.
What present did Jenny want from her father?
She wanted shoes.
What present did Doug want from his father?
He wanted a Superman DVD.
Where were their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jones?
Their parents were at the airport.
What were they going to make?
They were going to make sweet and sour chicken.
What were they planning to do for their mom?
They were planning to cook something special for their mom.
Where were Doug and Jenny that evening?
They were at home in Grogol.