Edit Game
345 Grammar 1 Unit 6

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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be동사의 부정문은 어떻게 만드나요?
be동사 뒤에 not 을 붙히고, ~이 아니다로 해석해요.
He ___ ___ a nurse. He ____ a doctor.
is not, is
It ___ ___ a giraffe. It ___ a zebra. 
is not, is
They __ ___ apples. They ___ oranges.
aren't, are
I ___ ___ a boy. I ___ a girl.
am not, am
She is a singer. (x)
She isn't a singer.
They are books. (x)
They aren't books.
I am a student. (x)
I'm not a student.
It is an orange. (x)
It isn't an orange.
You are nurses. (x)
You aren't nurses.
They (is/ are) lions.
She (am/ is) a queen.
It is (a/an) eraser.
(It/ They) is a desk.
They ____ crayons. (x) They ____  pencils. (o)
aren't, are
We ____ cooks. (x) We ____ pilots. (o)
aren't, are
He ___ a queen. (x) He's a king. (o)
____ is a dancer. (그는 춤추는 사람이에요.)
It is __ ___. (park)
a park
They are ____. (watch)