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Prepositions of place and places in the town
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is this place?
This is a hotel
This is a cinema
This is a cafe
This is a hospital
What is this place?
This is a zoo
This is a museum
This is a park
This is a garage
What is this place?
This is a museum
This is a shop
This is a cafe
This is a hospital
Where is Timon?
Timon is over the Simba.
Timon is next to the Simba.
Timon is behind the Simba.
Where is Rapunzel?
Rapunzel is in front of the mirror
Rapunzel is next to the mirror
Rapunzel is between the mirrors
Rapunzel is not there
What is this place?
This is a park
This is a shop
This is a museum
This is a cinema
Where is Olaf?
Olaf is between Anna and Elsa.
Olaf is behind Anna and Elsa.
Olaf is next to Anna and Elsa.
Olaf is in front Anna and Elsa
Where is Lightning McQueen?
Lightning McQueen is in front of the green car.
Lightning McQueen is between green cars.
Lightning McQueen is behind the green car.
Where is the girl?
The girl is behind the boy.
The girl is in front of the boy
The girl is next to the boy
Where is the fox?
The fox is next to the dog
The fox is over the dog
The fox is behind the dog
The fox isn't there
Where is the bunny?
The bunny is on the sofa
The bunny is under the table
The bunny is behind the door
The bunny is next to the armchair
What's this place?
This is a shop
This is a cafe
This is a hotel
This is a zoo
What's this place?
This is a library
This is a town
This is a shop
This is a cinema
What's this place?
This is a hospital
This is a hotel
This is a park
This is a library
What's this place?
This is a garage
This is a park
This is a hospital
This is a school
What's this place?
This is a cinema
This is a school
This is a zoo
This is a garage
What's that place?
This is a cafe.
This is a hotel
This is a hospital
This is a museum
Where's the dog?
The dog in under the table.
The dog is on the table
The dog is next to the table
The cat is behind the table
Where is the cat?
The cat is in the bag.
The cat is next to the bag.
The cat is in front of the bag.
The cat is over the bag.