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What did they eat?
They ate meat.
They hunted large animals.
They ate baskets.
How did they cook their food?
They made a fire with stones on the ground.
They used a spear to hunt animals.
They made a fire with bowls.
What did they wear?
They wore fur.
They wore fossils.
They wore tools.
What did they use to hunt?
They used some tools to hunt animals.
They lived in caves.
They used bowls.
What did they use to hunt?
They used a spear to hunt animals.
They hunted very big animals.
They ate fish.
What did they hunt?
They hunted large animals.
They used a spear to hunt.
They ate meat.
How did they cook their food?
They made a fire with stones.
They lived in caves.
They used a spear to hunt animals.
What did prehistoric people eat?
They ate meat and fish.
They ate spaghetti.
They wore furs.
What did prehistoric people wear?
They wore furs to keep warm.
They ate meat and fish.
They wore baskets.
Where did prehistoric people live?
They lived in caves.
They lived in tools.
They ate meat and fish.