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At the zoo

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many pandas are there?
There is one panda.
There are a woman and two girls sitting under the umbrella. What are they doing?
They are eating.
What color is the umbrella?
It's blue and yellow.
A man is walking with a boy. They have a dog. What color is the dog?
It's white.
What color are the goats ?
They are black and brown.
How many girls are there?
There are six girls.
How many boys are there?
There are five boys.
How many horses are there?
There are two horses.
How many rabbits are there?
There are three rabbits.
How many kangaroos are there?
There are three kangaroos.
What place (地方) is it?
It's a zoo.