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drop-e rule / silent-e rule

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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decide + ing = deciding <-- Is the word spelt correctly?
shame + ful = shamful <-- Is the word spelt correctly?
no ('shameful')
hide + ing = hidding <-- Is the word spelt correctly?
no ('hiding')
In the word 'shaving', has the 'e' been dropped?
yes (shave + ing)
In the word 'spineless', has the 'e' been dropped?
no (spine + less)
face + ing = ________ (Will you drop the silent-e in 'face'? Why?)
'facing', drop the 'e' since '-ing' is a vowel suffix
face + less = ________ (Will you drop the silent-e in 'face'? Why?)
'faceless', do not drop the 'e' since '-less' is not a vowel suffix
What is the suffix in 'hateful'?
What is the base word in 'invading'?
drop-e/silent-e rule: When the word ends with a silent-e, you will drop the 'e' when adding a _______ suffix.
drop-e/silent-e rule: When the word ends with a silent-e, you will ________ the 'e' when adding a vowel suffix.
drop-e/silent-e rule: When the word ends with a _______, you will drop the 'e' when adding a vowel suffix.