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What do you mean?: Understanding Idioms

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'to rain on someone's parade' (a) to put an abrupt stop to someone's success/happiness (b) to support someone in tough times
(a) to put an abrupt stop to someone's success/happiness
'There's no such thing as a free lunch' (a) don't expect to get something for nothing (b) you have to pay for lunch
a) don't expect to get something for nothing
'You can't judge a book by its cover' (a) to read a boring book (b) don't base your opinion on outward appearances.i
(b) don't base your opinion on outward appearances
'To let the cat out of the bag' (a) to wake someone up (b) to reveal a secret
(b) to reveal a secret
'Pull yourself together' (a) to calm down after getting angry/upset (b) to get better soon
(a) to calm down after getting angry/upset
'Wrap your head around something' (a) to work hard on something (b) to think/reflect on something to understand it well.
(b) to think/reflect on something to understand it well.
'No pain, no gain'. (a) To say something doesn't hurt (b) No success without effort.
(b) No success without effort.
'Under the weather' (a) feeling cold or (b) feeling slightly unwell/low spirits
(b) feeling slightly unwell/low spirits
'Miss the boat' (a) to miss an opportunity or (b) to misunderstand something
(a) to miss an opportunity
'Let someone off the hook' (a) to stop chasing someone (b) to allow someone to escape blame or punishment
(b) to allow someone to escape blame or punishment
'I bet hit the sack' (a) to carry something (b) to go to bed?
to go to bed
'I smell a rat' (a) a bad odour OR (b) to know something is wrong?
(b) to know something is wrong
'Tie the knot' (a) get married OR (b) to secure something?
(a) get married
'bite your tongue' (a) to get annoyed OR (b) to stay silent about something?
(b) to stay quiet about something
'to bury the hatchet' (a) to end a fight/forgive and forget OR (b) to hide something?
(a) to forgive and forget/reconcile
'sit on the fence' (a) to take a break OR (b) to be undecided about something?
(b) to be undecided about something?
'The best thing since sliced bread' (a) amazing OR (b) beautiful?
a) amazing
'It's a piece of cake' (a) delicious OR (b) easy?
to say something is easy to do.
'Don't put your eggs in one basket' (a) to hope one course of action will work will give a successful outcome OR (b) to carry something?
(a) to hope one course of action will work will give a successful outcome
' barking up the wrong tree' (a) to misunderstand OR (b) to shout loudly?
a. to misunderstand something
'The ball is in your court' (a) Go to court OR (b) It's your turn to respond?
B. It's your turn to respond.
'Once in a blue moon' (a) occasionally/rarely OR (b) to live on the moon?