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Problem Solution essay writing

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How could you make this sound more formal? This is a great way to get rid of the problem
Suggestion: This would be an effective solution to the problem.
What's wrong? There are 2 errors: The one problem associated with the physical shops is their high running costs.
"The" is not needed: One problem associated with physical shops is their high running costs.
The teachers told the students THEY would get their results at the end of the week. What/Who does THEY refer to?
The students
Linkers: ___________ it seems to be a relatively simple solution, it will take many years to implement.
Although / Even though
What's missing:"In the UK, online purchases have increased by 20% in just the last 18 months."
Evidence - When quoting factual information you must include a reference. (Office for National Statistics, 2020)
What's wrong with this sentence? If companies promotion these advantages, it will help them to attract more customers
PROMOTION is a noun not a verb If companies PROMOTE these advantages, it will help them to attract more customers
Make one sentence: This method will leave no traces. This is very concerning for users of online banking.
This method will leave no traces which is very concerning for users of online banking.
Link these sentences together: People in rural areas are affected by this problem. A large number of them do not have access to the internet.
as / because People in rural areas are affected by this problem as / because a large number of them do not have access to the internet.
What's missing: This solution is effective because can be implemented quickly and at a low cost.
the subject after because:This solution is effective because it can be implemented quickly and at a low cost
Why is this sentence not correct for a conclusion? (Grammatical error): This essay provides and evaluates solutions to two problems
The tense is wrong, it should be in the present perfect: This essay has provided and evaluated solutions to two problems
What should you include in the conclusion? Name 3 things (there are 4 in total).
refer to the thesis statement or aims, make a suggestion or recommendation, make predictions about the future, summarise the main points of the essay
After discussing each solution, what 2 points should be discussed?
The implication and evaluation of the solution
How many paragraphs should there be in a prob/soln essay discussing 2 problems? What are they?
6 paragraphsIntroduction, problem 1, solution 1, problem 2, solution 2, conclusion
Change the following to a more impersonal style, using the passive: I will show that ......
It will be shown that.....
Change the following to a more impersonal style: In this essay, I will discuss ......
This essay will discuss
Apart from the aims and structure of the essay what else could be included in a thesis statement?
The writer's opinion
How could you start a thesis statement for a problem solution essay?
This essay will discuss two problems related to (........) and measures that can be taken to alleviate these problems will be provided and evaluated)
Name 3 things you should include in the introduction
Hook / background information / general to specific information / support from reading / thesis statement