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Christmas Trivia

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name the Christmas song based on the emoji picture.
What color is the Grinch?
How many times does Santa check his list to find who is naughty and who is nice?
2 times
Where does Santa Claus live?
The North Pole
What do you hang above the fireplace for Santa to stuff with goods?
What is the traditional christmas decoration put on the door?
Name 2 classical Christmas movies ?
Who helps Santa Claus in making his gifts?
The elf
Who once stole Christmas?
The Grinch
Santa Claus is also known as Saint who?
St. Nick or Nicholas
What do most elves wear on the tips of their shoes?
What company is known for its ads featuring Santa and a polar bear?
Coca Cola
What is the most popular tree topper?
an angel
What snack is often left out for Santa?
cookies and milk
What is the name of the most famous Christmas ballet?
The Nutcracker