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Coordinate Plane and Patterns

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Fox was riding his bike and decided to take a break. According to the graph, how long was his break?
1 hour (9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.)
How could you explain what caused the increase in the water depth of the Plainsview Creek from Week 6 to Week 7? Think logically.
It rained.
According to the graph, what happened to the water depth of Plainsview Creek between Week 4 and Week 6?
It decreased or went down.
How many feet deep is the Plainsview Creek at Week 1? (Hint: Look carefully at the scale.)
4 feet deep
How would you describe how to move from the origin to the point (5, 2)?
From the origin, move right 5 and up 2.
The ordered pair (4,7) gives a location on a coordinate plane. What is the first step in finding where to place the point?
From the origin, move 4 places to the right.
What is located at ordered pair (6,2)?
a windmill
Alex wanted to make a parallelogram beginning with the points H, I, and F. Where should he place the fourth point?
(2, 0)
What 2-D figure can be made from connecting points H, I, and F? I'm looking for a specific answer. All points or no points!
a scalene, acute triangle
What is located at (17,9)
What is located at (15,0)?
What scale is used for the y-axis?
Count by 5
What is the ordered pair for letter J?
What is the ordered pair for letter M?
What does the red represent on this coordinate plane and what is the ordered pair? I'm looking for 2 answers to this question.
Origin (0, 0)
What is the name of the blue axis?
What is the name of the yellow axis?