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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Your friend says "I got a new pet!" What can you SAY/COMMENT?
Your Mum says "I'm feeling very sick." What can you ASK?
The lady at the cafe says 'Are you excited about Christmas?'
You say....
Your friend says "I got a  new book." What can you ASK?
Your friend says "Look at my new shoes" What can you SAY/COMMENT?
Your friend says "I'm going on a trip!" What can you ASK?
Your friend says "I love cupcakes!" What can you SAY/COMMENT?
Your friend says "I went to a restaurant last night." What can you ASK?
Your friend says "I lost my bag." What can you SAY/COMMENT?
Your friend says "I love reading books" What can you SAY/COMMENT?
Your friend says "My birthday is tomorrow." What can you SAY/COMMENT?
Your friend says "I'm really scared about watching this movie." What can you SAY/COMMENT?
Your friend says "I'm so excited for this weekend!" What can you ASK them?
Your friend says "I saw a movie this weekend." What can you ASK them?
Your friend says "I need help!" What can you ASK them?