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The Big Quiz of 2022

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What was the most popular boys name in Spain in 2022? (Starts with H)
What was the most popular girls name in Spain in 2022? (Starts with L)
How many trophies have Real Madrid won in 2022?
4 - La Liga, CL, Spanish + European Super Cups
Which country won the 2022 Eurovision Song Contest in May?
RCDE Stadium, Estadio Riazor, Estadio Benito Villamarín, La Roseleda, La Romareda - what links these stadiums?
Spain played their home matches in 2022 in these grounds
Which world leader was named TIME's Magazine's Person of the Year for 2022?
Ukranian President - Volodymyr Zelensky
Which animal in the Chinese Zodiac was 2022?
How old is Rosalía?
In which European Capital City did Eliud Kipchoge break the Marathon WR in 2022?
Who hit who at the Oscars?
Will Smith slapped Chris Rock
How old was Queen Elzabeth II when she died in 2022?
Qatar, Wales, Saudi Arabia, Denmark, Costa Rica, Canada, Serbia, Ghana - what do these teams share in common?
They all finished bottom of their group in Qatar
How long is the fast train between Málaga and Sevilla? (10 mins leeway)
1 hour 55 mins
Erling Haaland, Miguel Almirón, Marcus Rashford, Borja Iglesias, Fede Valverde, Robert Lewandowski - what connects these footballers?
Player Of The Month award winners so far this season
Was Liz Truss UK Prime Minister for more or less than 50 days?
Less - she only managed 44 days
Name two of these flags
Slovakia, Andorra, Suriname, Seychelles
Which song by a former member of One Direction was the most listened to song on Spotify in 2022?
'As It Was' - Harry Styles
Which Tom Cruise film was the highest grossing movie of 2022
Top Gun: Maverick