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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Good morning!" called out Ms. Runkle.
"Good morning!" called out Ms. Runkle.
Step one my teacher told us is to open your book.
"Step one," my teacher told us, "is to open your book."
Barnabus shouted Hey, Tobias! Come here! Quickly! Tobias ran toward Barnabus.
Barnabus shouted, "Hey, Tobias! Come here! Quickly!" Tobias ran toward Barnabus.
The girl asked Mr. Rupert "Can I turn on the fan?"
The girl asked Mr. Rupert, "Can I turn on the fan?"
Use a pencil, the teacher explained.
"Use a pencil," the teacher explained.
"Pardon me" asked Mr. Kirk "but do you know the time?"
"Pardon me," asked Mr. Kirk, "but do you know the time?"
"The ring is next to the lamp", replied Dr. Wang.
"The ring is next to the lamp," replied Dr. Wang.
I want to ask you about it, whispered Old Mr. Davis, because it has troubled me for ages.
"I want to ask you about it," whispered Old Mr. Davis, "because it has troubled me for ages."
Mrs. Hank warned the youngsters "No running in the hall!"
Mrs. Hank warned the youngsters, "No running in the hall!"
"What's the time? asked Bobert."
What's the time?" asked Bobert.