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Blizzard Of The Blue Moon Vocabulary Quiz Chapte ...

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do you call a person who is learning to do a job from another person?
An apprentice
An apparition
A student
A helper
If you are 'stranded', can you go where you want to go?
No, you can't
How do you feel if you are 'stunned'?
Very surprised
Very silly
Very cross
Very confused
Which of these are noises are horse makes?
Neighs and whinnies
Neighs and nods
Fish and chips
Witches and wizards
If your 'jaw drops', how do you feel?
Very surprised
What is missing if there is 'silence'?
If something is 'shabby', is it clean and new, or old and needing repair?
It's old and needing repair.
If a horse 'trots', does it run quickly, or runs slowly?
It runs slowly.
If you 'stride' do you walk with long steps, or run quickly?
You walk with long steps.
If something is 'dense' is it thick and difficult to see through, or thin and light?
It's thick and difficult to see through.
What is this?
A lasso
A legend
A lightbulb
A rope
What is the horse doing?
It is rearing up.
It is dancing.
It is flying.
It is resting up.
What is the name of this pattern?
A spiral
A squiggle
A square
A squish
If you are 'graceful' do you move in a beautiful way, or are you very fast?
You move in a beautiful way.