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Active and Passive Voice practice

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Edwin Forrest was only 14 years old when he ... Young Norval in Homer's "Douglas".
has played
has been played
was played
Shopping itself ... harmful, but what we buy can be.
is not
are not
are not being
was not
Buy Nothing day ... on the last Saturday in November.
is celebrated
was celebrating
Sand ... a record of geology's earth-changing processes.
is provided
was provided
Traditionally, Saint Nicholas ... as a tall figure riding a white horse, giving sweets to children and helping the poor.
is depicted
has depicted
is depicting
is being depicted
Spaniards spend as much money as 272 million euros on tickets each year and already ... over 200 million of that back in prizes this year.
have got
have been got
has been got
was got
The rest money usually ... to the government.
is gone
was gone
Students ……………….. very well nowadays by most teachers.
are treated
were treated
is treated
are treating
Shana ……………….. home from school by taxi yesterday morning.
was brought
has brought
is bringing
is brought
The team ………………. every day by the coach.
is trained
was train
has train
are trained
Our schoolbags ………………. in Italy.
were made
is made
are making
My dog ………………… in the park every afternoon.
is walked
has walking
are walked
The school nurse ................ Ed because he had a thorn in his hand.
have helped
was helped
is helped
Maths ........................ all around the world.
is studied
is studying
has studied
was studying
People ..................... very hard to be able to live a good life.
was working
am working
have work
They ........................ made friends.
The children .................... English every day.
are taught
is teaching
has taught
have taught