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6 Months of the year

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They have to eat pop corn (Negative)
They don't have to eat pop corn
He doesn't have to throw the ball (Interrogative)
Does he have to throw the ball?
She doesn't have to clean the house (Affirmative)
She has to clean the house
Do you have to study English? (Anwser)
Yes, I do or No I, don't
Tienes que tender la cama?
Do you have to make the bed?
Mi mami tiene que planchar la ropa.
My mom has to iron the clothes.
Ellos tiene que trabajar todos los días.
They have to work everyday.
He doesn't have to drink water. (Affirmative)
He has to drink water
You have to brush your teeth (Question)
Do you have to brush your teeth?
She has to mop the floor (Negative)
She doesn't have to mop the floor
El tiene que pasear al perro
He has to walk the dog
He has to cook dinner. (Question)
Does he have to cook dinner?
Yo tengo que estudiar inglés.
I have to study English
She has to eat healthy
She doesn't have to eat healthy
I have to take care my brother (Negative)
I don't have to take care my brother