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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Everyone knows that the earth __ round. 모든 사람이 지구는 둥글다는 것을 안다.
Thomas knew __ Jay would not come. (Thomas는 Jay가 오지 않을 거라는 것을 알고 있었다.)
___ ___ is that Jim didn't tell us the truth. 요지는 Jim 이 우리에게 진실을 말하지 않았다는 것이다.
The point
is not, famous, true, she is, it, that 그녀가 유명하다는 것은 사실이 아니다.
It is not true that she is famous.
come true, expects, dreams, that , he 그는 꿈이 실현 될것으로 기대한다.
He expects that dreams come true.
we, each other, that , hope, can, help, we
We hope that we can help each other.
that, the truth, sick, was, she was, never 진실은 그녀가 결코 아프지 않았다는 것이었다.
The truth was that she was never sick.
I expected that he will recover soon.
expected - expect
I promised that I won't have dessert after dinner.
won't - wouldn't
We said what the teachers must be careful about what they say.
what - that
They know ___ that printer won't last very long.
He reported that we __ from school yesterday. (be absent)
were absent
The thing is ___ I don't have enough time.
I imagined that I ___ the top of the mountain. (can, climb)
could climb
The fact are that the hotel served terrible food.
are - is
The problem is what they don't like each other.
what - that
That is a secret that Eric broke the dish.
That - It
It is necessary (that, so that) we have food, clothing and shelter.
We heard that it (will, would) rain in the evening.
It is (clear, clearly) that he doesn't understand what I did.